Highland Titles and Bee Keeping Boys and Girls

We previously told you about our partnership with land management and conservation company – Highland Titles, when we published this article back in August. They have a unique approach to land and nature conservation in the Scottish Highlands by offering areas of land to members of the public who are passionate about preserving the beautiful scenery and biodiversity of the Scottish highlands and becoming a lord, laird or a lady while doing so.

The hives we placed in Glencoe wood, courtesy of Highland Titles are strictly to boost bee populations and contribute to the biodiversity of the area around them – we don’t take any honey from these hives to use in our products. Highland Titles also welcome children from schools in local areas to be part of a sustainable project; the children take a hands-on role by painting these hives around a number of themes, such as the children of Kinlochleven Primary School seen here in this recent article:

Kinlochleven Schools a Hive of Activity - Highland Titles - Plan Bee Ltd

The painted hives could be there on the same spot for decades, allowing these children to return to them over the years and possibly bringing their own children to see them and to learn like they did – true sustainability and involvement with the land and these amazing creatures.

Children from Ballachulish Primary School also sent us their lovely drawings and letters of thanks after Plan Bee visited there to tell children about the importance of honey bees to our food and their critical role in the eco-system.

Highland Titles - Plan Bee Ltd